Snag these freebies for a smoother, more exciting teaching and learning experience.​

Five Free Phonics Games - Keep your students engaged while they practice their phonics skills.

Syllable Challenge - Challenge your students to create three-syllable words.

R-Controlled Vowels Activities - Decode, Check and more with these engaging activities.

Plural Noun Mysteries - Help Duke, Jasper, and Rocky solve solve their mysteries.

Fairy Tales Fun Pack - You can't go wrong with graphic organizers and paper airplanes.

Behavior Decision Cards - Guide your students to make good choices throughout the year.

Idiom Story Cards - Use context clues to determine the meaning of tricky idioms.

Name That Lead - Teach students how to hook their readers in narrative writing.

Voice Cards - Add some fun to your fluency practice and watch your students read like rock stars.

Mindset Mastery Kit - Promote growth mindset with these hands-on activities.

Metaphor Story Cards - Unlock the meaning of abstract metaphors through relatable stories.

Main Idea Graphic Organizers - Four visual aids to help break down complex main ideas.

Reading Engagement Bundle - Say goodbye to fake reading once and for all!